Game Plus - Terms and Conditions

Change Log

All changes below take effect one week from the date noted here.


  • Amended clause 9.7 and added 9.7 (d) and (e) to clarify that the intention of 'make good' responsibilities also includes "Removal and disposal of any signage" and "Removal and disposal of personal belongings left in the Game Plus space after termination".
  • Added the concept of Special Conditions for times where Game Plus and a member agree to put a customised membership agreement in place, such as a payment plan or discounted Service Fee. This is intended to help keep the Terms & Conditions the same for everyone, with any alterations to the Membership Agreement now done via Special Conditions.
    • Amended 19.4 now that Special Conditions exist, the clarify that this clause refers to "a Fixed Term with no Special Condition".
    • Amended numbering of existing clauses 19.6, 19.7, 19.8, 19.9 to now be 19.7, 19.8, 19.9, 19.10 respectively.
    • Added new clause 19.5 to detail the functionality of Special Conditions.
    • Amended numbering of existing clauses 29.1 (gg), (hh), (ii) to now be 29.1 (hh), (ii), (jj) respectively.
    • Added new clause 29.1 (gg) to General Definitions: "Special Condition means a special benefit provided by Game Plus to the member specified in the special condition details in the Service Schedule."


  • Amended numbering of existing clauses 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 to now be 5.3, 5.4, 5.5
  • Added new clause 5.2 "The Agreed Price will be invoiced to you monthly on the first business day of each calendar month and is payable within seven (7) days. In the event of any broken period of Membership during your Term, the Agreed Price will be apportioned pro rata based upon a standard 30 days."
  • Corrected an erroneous instance of 'Film Plus' to 'Game Plus'


  • Changed the wording of clause 19.1 to clarify that this clause is only intended to refer to Memberships not on a Fixed Term
  • Added clause 9.7 to clarify 'make good' responsibilities
  • Added clause 9.8 to refer to the Schedule of Fees
  • Removed sub-headings from Section 19, to match the rest of the document's formatting
  • Changed the wording of item s. slightly in the Code of Conduct to correct the grammar


  • Reverted an unintended change, returning the price of access cards to $50.50 (it was inadvertently changed to $50 + GST in the last update).


  • The Agreed Price in the Service Schedule provided to members now shows the cost of Service Fee and Add-On Costs separately. References to Agreed Price, Service Fee, and Add-On Costs have been amended to reflect this change, namely in sections 5, 6, 12, 19, 29
  • 9. Use of Premises
    • Added 9.2 "You occupy the Premises as non-exclusive licensee."
    • Renumbered existing 9.2-9.5 as 9.3-9.6.
  • 15. Indemnity
    • Added 15.1(c) "any action by you or any of your guests resulting in a breach of the Headlease; and"
    • Renumbered existing 15.1(c) to 15.1(d).
  • 16. Insurance
    • Previously indicated that Game Plus recommended you take out and maintain for the duration of your Membership, public liability insurance, workers compensation insurance and personal property insurance as is appropriate for your circumstances. Amended to indicate that public liability insurance is now required.
  • 17. General Acknowledgements
    • 17.1(c) amended to "Game Plus only grants you a non-exclusive licence to access and use the Premises, and the facilities contained therein;"
    • Added 17.1(g) "Game Plus occupies the Premises as lessee and: when in the Premises, you must ensure that you (and anybody you have allowed onto the Premises) complies with any provision of the Headlease; and to the extent of any inconsistency between this agreement and the Headlease (including as to the Service Period and the times at which you can occupy the Premises) the Headlease prevails."
  • 29. General Definitions
    • Added definitions of Add-On Costs, Agreed Price, Headlease
    • Updated definitions of Add-Ons, Payment Date, Service Fee, Services